Cookie Policy

The “Reportabathroom” website uses cookies to distinguish you from other users of our website. This cookie policy set out information on how “Reportabathroom” (“we” or “us”) uses cookies and similar technology on our website.


By accessing our website, account holders, users, and visitors of our website (each, “you”) agree that we can place cookies on your device on the terms and conditions of this cookie policy.


What are cookies?

Cookies are text files containing small amounts of information which are downloaded to your device when you visit our website. They allow us to recognise your device and track its usage on our website.


Why do we use cookies?

Our website uses cookies for the purpose of distinguishing you from other users of our website by storing, generally non-personally identifiable, information (for example, session information such as the number of times you visit our website and the location from which you are accessing the website).


Cookies also help us to provide you with a good experience when you browse our website and allows us to improve our website. This includes more efficient navigation between pages, remembering your preferences and general improvement of the user experience.


Cookies will generally not allow us to obtain personal data regarding you, such as your name or address. Where we collect personal data about you when we use cookies or any similar technology, we shall only do so in compliance with our Privacy Policy. You may refer to our Privacy Policy on how we treat personal data that we have collected.


What types of cookies do we use?

We use both first party cookies, which are issued from our website’s own domain, and third-party cookies, which belong to and are managed by other parties, such as our partners or service providers.


The cookies used on our website can be divided into two categories:


a)  Session cookies: These are temporary cookies that will be deleted from your device once you close your browser. They are used to remember your device as you move within our website.


b) Persistent cookies: These are longer-lasting cookies that remain on your device even after you close your browser. They are used to recognise your device each time you use our website and to remember your preferences.


What if I do not want to use cookies?

If you want to remove existing cookies from your device or if you want to block future cookies being placed on your device, you can do this via your browser settings.



Please bear in mind that deleting and blocking cookies will have an impact on your user experience as parts of our website may no longer work.


Please also note that, unless you have adjusted your browser settings to block cookies, our system will issue cookies as soon as you visit our website or click on a link in a targeted email that we have sent you, even if you have previously deleted our cookies.


Changes to our cookie policy

We may update our Cookie Policy from time to time. This might be for a number of reasons, such as to reflect a change in the law or to accommodate a change in our business practices and the way we use cookies. We recommend that you check here periodically for any changes to our Cookie Policy.